Straight Talk With Red Hawk




Good morning, good morning, GOOD morning!!!  Welcome to Wednesday!!!  My sincere apologizes for yesterday's show that ONLY consisted of music and the affirmation.  But after some thought, I figured, since there are no REAL accidents in the world, yesterday's show was just as it was meant to be.  Even though I spent 18 minutes talking up a storm, and no one except, me, myself and I heard it, the affirmation, could have played continuously and it still would have been a great show.  Anywho, today's topic, among other things, is SHOW APPRECIATION.  We as humans, are always wanting more, and sometimes fail to show appreciation for what we already have.  Showing appreciation for what we already have, and just being in a state of gratitude for ALL things, the good, bad and ugly, can make a world of difference. Yes, things could always be better, but they could always be a lot worse, so today, choose to show appreciation for everything in your life, and try to make the best of it.  Easier said than done, of course,