Straight Talk With Red Hawk




Good morning, good morning, GOOD morning!!!  HAPPY FRRRIIIDDDDAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!  I can't believe another work week is coming to an end.  Tomorrow is Saturday, it seems like it was JUST Saturday, and I had the great spirit, Ms. Nikki Woods, call into the show.  What a treat that was for me. Anywho, here we are again, coming to the end of what I hope was a great week for you.  It sure was for me!!!  I went to some online training classes, made some great new contacts, that I pray are going to lead me to MY promised land, here on earth, and for the most part, I feel it was a pretty productive week for me.  Oh, oh, oh, let me not forget, I was even able to plant a few, mustard seed sized love offerings, into some well deserving people's lives.  And I'm not saying that to brag, I'm merely mentioning it to let you know, that as skimpy as my budget is, when I'm able to, you better believe I practice what I preach, and that's to share what you have, to bless someone else, no matter how big or how small.  That kind gest