Straight Talk With Red Hawk




Good morning, good morning, GOOD morning!!!  I hope everyone is having a great week so far, after all, tomorrow is Friday, and for some, the end of the work week.  Today's topic is, VERY SOON. It's crazy, cause when I woke, I wanted to talk about all the predictions of people saying that, YOUR BREAK-THRU IS RIGHT HERE, and having heard this for the past year, I'm wondering, okay, where is it?  I said, I wanted to talk about it, but I didn't think folks were ready for THAT sermon, and here the cards are saying, VERY SOON, "clearly decide what you want, so it comes to you now".  Okay, I think I have clearly decided that I'm ready for my financial abundance to come rushing in, overtaking me, drowning me, reviving me and then finally, whisking me off to a wonderful, happy, every after. I'm pretty sure, I'm not alone, when I say, I've been ready, surly, I'm not alone.  Anywho, sweet hawks, time to make it plain and clear, what you want, and then work on getting it, I sure have.