Straight Talk With Red Hawk




Good morning, good morning, GOOD morning!!!  Welcome to the Morning Talk with the Red Hawk Show.  First and foremost, I wanna thank the Creator for being gracious enough to wake me up, yet another day, secondly, I wanna thank Kat of Muse Productions, for her generosity, which is allowing us to chill just a lil while longer.  We gonna start off with an hour, and if things really get to popping, I can extend the show to a total of two hours. Anywho, so today's topic is, FREE YOURSELF.  This should be a good one, a no-brainer, even, and I am so excited about getting today's show started.  As always, if you'd like to become a supporter/sponsor/gifter to the show, please don't hesitate to go to my website,, and click on the donate button.  If you should find yourself in need of my services, that's even better. Also, don't forget to share the show, and my website, you never know who might need some good, old Hawkie Tawk.  Lastly, thanks for tuning in!!!