Straight Talk With Red Hawk




Good morning, good morning, GOOD morning!!!  Happy Monday morning, afternoon, evening to ya!!!  Welp, we made it through the weekend, now time to start anew. These weeks are incredibly passing, right on by, and if you aren't on something moving towards a positive direction, I don't know what to tell ya.  Speaking of being on "something," what I've been noticing, is a whole bunch-of-um, mommi's words, are shining their lights for the Lord. I believe his children are sick and tired of their living conditions, and are literally taking, "ONLY THAT WHICH YOU DO FOR THE KINGDOM..." for all its worth. What a wonderful thing to see, as there is so much vile stuff that has been, is being shared, via the internet, and those belonging to the Almighty, betta wake up and smell the coffee, as far as contributing to the good of the land. Anywho, I see more and more, I'm putting on that robe, as RC says, and Lord knows I ain't trying to preach at cha, at least not typically. Well, as always, make sure you visit the like page