Straight Talk With Red Hawk




Good morning, good morning, GOOD morning!!!  Yaaazzz, yaaaazzz, yaaazzzzz!!!  Wow, it's Wednesday, ALREADY, dang, it was just Sunday.  Sweet Hawks, time is waiting for no one, not even you, you better get on a train, headed for somewhere, positive, prosperous and peaceful, which brings us to today's topic, WHO KNOWS...hey, it's the first thing that came to mind, after I typed, MORNING TALK WITH THE RED HAWK.  Anywho, WHO KNOWS, what today may bring, WHO KNOWS, what tomorrow will bring, WHO KNOWS, anything???  All I can say to that is, since we don't know, we wake up each day, looking to fulfill a purpose, a goal, an ANYTHING, and see what happens, because of our efforts.  WHO KNOWS, it could be the difference between your current situation, and your proposed situation.  Plant a seed into your own garden, save a few for someone else, and watch them grow.  As always, we here at, MORNING TALK WITH THE RED HAWK, could use your support, any way you choose to do it.  Drop off a donation, or utilize a service, at, h