Straight Talk With Red Hawk




Good morning, good morning, GOOD morning!!!!  Happy Monday morning to ya, welcome to the first day of June!!!  We've made it to the half way through the year, mark, and it feels great!!!  Six months going down, six more to go, and what have you done with your first six months. Well, me, I've conistently did my radio broadcast, here, since January 13, and just recentely started my video broadcast over at,, which is doing far more better than the radio version. The energy that is given AND received is so awesome, and my viewers have shown me that they do value my time, energy and everything else that they receive from the Hawkie, as they've actually planted monetary seeds into what I've been doing for the past week.  Nothing like being shown appreciation, by way of the almighty dollar, which brings me to coming back over here. This will probably be the last week here at blog, in the capacity that I've been serving, for the past, almost six months.  I'll probably reduce the show