Straight Talk With Red Hawk




Hey Sweet Hawks, it's the Hawkie here, eposide two of Angel Cards Speak.  Taking a break from my online gig, and giving away, free, three card pulls to my callers.  If you need a more indepth reading, make sure you check out my link,, and fill out the form, wait to hear back from me, drop your donation, and we'll go from there.  Most sites would say that this is for entertainment purposes only, but the only thing I'm trying to entertain you with, is my voice, my cards are here to help you, onto a more positive path, than what you may be on, at the present.  Please feel free to share the link of this show, as well as the link to my website.  This is not a hobby, it's a habit, and I aim to please, and bring you what you need.  With that being said, make sure you call in, and get your angel card reading, today.  ~peace, love and light~