The Wade Alters Show

102. Making Heads Turn: How To Stand Out From All The Noise



I’ve got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is: I didn’t get a chance to record a new podcast episode this week. I’ve been non-stop with finishing up Sales Seduction, and I haven’t had a chance to record a new episode... BUT, I have good news: I’m going to share a golden nugget from the course for this week’s episode! By the end of this podcast, you’ll have your prospects salivating at the offer you’re putting in front of them ;) I’m gonna share the formula I use for creating eye-popping headlines. You might have the best product in the world to truly change the lives of your audience… But if you can’t communicate how it’ll change their lives in a way that they’ll believe you, nobody’s going to pay attention - or buy. They want something new that will get their juices flowing and get them intrigued, that they haven’t heard before, and believe will work. If you create a new pill and your claim is, “this pill will help you lose weight!” That’s an offer your audience has heard it before and has massi