Black Freethinkers

Call Me Peaches: Négritude



Please join us Sunday at 10:00AM CST for lively discussion.  The dial-in number is 310-982-4273 and press 1 to speak with the host. We are here to challenge you to think and live for yourself, challenge the status quo, and challenge those around you. Question everything and everyone. Utilize critical thinking skills in EVERY area of YOUR life. YOU determine who you are, not those around you. Remember, some will attempt to dissuade you because of their lack of knowledge, jealousy, insecurity, and fear. We will cover a number of topics. It is NOT my job to validate or assuage your guilt and fear. My purpose is to push you out of YOUR comfort zone. It is not my responsibility to soothe and coddle your over inflated ego. My purpose is to pique your interests, encourage you to think outside the box, re-evaluate your positions, research to empower yourself, and never settle for conventional thought. White folks and their animals Black Children Matter Double Standards Tokenism disguised as diversity Special I