Black Freethinkers

White Christian America: Racism American Style Pt. 2



Funny how you wanted to bring us to heel and bury our movement; just like you buried movements in the past. Well little tink tink, it seems as though the tables have turned Democrats. We have brought you to heel and buried your aspirations to kill our movement., Those black, brown, red, yellow, and poor whites votes matter after all...huh? I want you to explain to us very slowly how you aren't going to address issues that plague our communities. Can you expound on how you are going to ignore our policy demands?  Tell us more about the false hope and refuse to change that you sold to us. Y'all, we are waiting for you to explain why your cousins im Bob and Ellie Mae voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump. I defecate your post racial narrative and violently regurgitate your colorlind tropes. Christianity & the Bible have been used to perpetuate and justify slavery, systemic/institutional racism, Raw (New) Deal, Jim Crow, segregation, mob action against communities of color, poverty, wealth inequality, and mo