Black Freethinkers

Branded White: Diversity panels do not equal social justice advocacy (work)



Please join us as explore the beautiful & curious minds of those who believe that sitting on a diversity panel is social justice work.   We ain't seen you at 1 meeting. Nor have we seen you at a rally, march, or protest. You ain't retweeted or shared a damn thing.  We still waiting on that check. Have you run out of self-created issues in your communities? Now some of you are well meaning and I get it. I applaud your efforts and encourage you to continue to move forward. So, I am not talking about you. I am talking specifically to the group of people who are treating social justice work as the latest fad and 'it' cause. I am also talking to the group of people who are seeking to capitalize on social justice. Can't leave out the organizations that will profit from membership fees as they make sure to have a diversity panel at their conference. Sometimes they actually invite 'the blacks' to sit on the panel. There is nothing that I enjoy more than watching an all white 'diversity' panel discussing 'the bl