Black Freethinkers

Dear White America: Not so funny anymore, is it?



Donald Trump has been sworn into the office of President of the United States. Mass protests have been taking place all over the world and it's not going away any time soon. I'm conflicted about being asked to support white women and men for a number of issues that seem self inflicted. I'm conflicted about putting my life, sanity, livelihood, freedom, etc. on the line for people who don't give a shit about the oppression that people of color endure on a daily basis. I'm conflicted because many of the same people asking for support only seek many people of color ust to be able to claim diversity and inclusion. I'm conflicted because at the end of the parch, parade, protest, etc. they get to go back to their lily white non-black neighbor having lives. I'm conflicted because you blame us for not fixing problems that we never created, but you proit from. I'm conflicted because your support comes with strings and obnoxious demands.  I'm conflicted because you intterupt me while I'm speaking and then claim that I