Black Freethinkers

GNC: Magical Negro Revue



Please join us as we discuss the magical negro (new blacks) and the Republicans (libertarians & tea partiers) & Democrats (progressive, liberal whites) who love them. They especially like the ones who can't speak (literally), have been paid off. or are dead. It puts a new spin on being seen and not heard. The original premise for this show has changed.  Initially, I wanted to talk about certain celerities and their inclination to put their feet in their mouths.  This subject has been covered by numerous think pieces over the years and you already know how I feel. Between Raina and Red Ninja, I think we've said it all. The distrust of communities of color need to be addressed.  We're good enough to exploit and manipulate, but not good enough to be believed. We're expected/demanded to vote for the good white people, but not good enough to invest money to encourage voting or listening to our demands.  We're good enough to be the help, entertainment, and/or dish, but not good enough to be considered