Black Freethinkers

Dear White America: Your silence is tacit agreement!



The events taking place in Charlottesville, Va. is not new in America and this is not the end of these types of 'rallies.' Many so called #whiteallies & #progressiveliberalwhites have gone silent. Why is that? #WhiteChristians, what say you? Your silence is deafening, yet predicatable. Why is it a riot when peaceful black & brown protestors gather?Why is a rally when #whitenationalists, #nazis, and #altrighters gather?Why isn't #PresidentBannon comdemning this?Did God mandate the #Whitenationalis to #makeAmericaGreatAgain?Where are all of the #whiteChristians & #whitePastors? Shouldn't you be telling these folks to go home and pray about it?Are the #whitenationalists and #klansmen upset because the proceeds from the sale of the Robert E. Lee statue will be used as #raparations to the #blackpeople who have been wronged? So much more...