Black Freethinkers

Metamorphosis Pt 1



Please join me Sunday as I present the entire FFRF talk on my journey in the secular, social justice, and religious communities. Just a few observations, a few warnings, and the final release. I'm completing another metamorphosis and it's time to shift again. Build and grow. Thank you for the support, well wishes, hate, indifference, and much more. It's shown me quite a bit about the state of the human condition. Most importantly, it helped me to realize who I am, challenge myself, evolve, grow intellectually, and find comfort in who I am and what I'm looking to achieve. Thank you! I donated my honorarium to he following 3 organizations: Black Youth Project is working with young adults across the country. If you're under 35, you may want to consider reaching out to this org. They are doing great work and need our support. Assata's Daughters is a mentorship program designed for young women of color. This organization is transforming lives, doing phenomenal, and is a beacon of light. #CPACNOW (NAARPR) is a