Black Freethinkers

Conversation with Dr. Dauv Evans - Emancipation of a Black Atheist



Please join us as we converse with Dr. Dauv Evans about his recently released book, "Emancipation of a Black Atheist." Great journeys often start with a single question. For Dr. Evans, a newly married professional in the Christian-dominated South, that question was, “Why Do I Believe in God?” That simple query led him on a years-long search to better understand the nature of religion and faith, particularly as it applies to the Black community. The culmination of his journey is recounted in his latest book: Emancipation of a Black Atheist.  While this journey eventually led him to discount the notion of God, he calls on all to ask their own questions, particularly those within the Black community who act on blind faith.  Dr. Evans is a corporate trainer who resides in Morrisville, North Carolina with his wife and two children