Black Freethinkers

Dear White America: "Ally Theatre, Tokenism, Exceptionalism & Shucking!"



Please join us as we discuss many different issues. There is so much fodder that I'm not sure where to begin. Per Donald tRump: Black people "What do you have to lose?" Black Americans in Atlanta live in crime infested neighborhoods that are falling apart. Mexicans are allegedly bringing drugs to America, raping women (white?), have bad hombres syndrome, taking (white) American jobs, clogging the emergency rooms, overburdening the welfare and disability rolls, and refuse to learn English allegedly per Donald tRump. Puerto Ricans have no food or electricity because they are allegedly lazy and deserve to suffer per Donald tRump. Africans allegedly live in huts and come from alleged sh*tholes. Haitians allegedly come sh*tholes and have AIDS. I'm not sure what his stance is on the Hawaiian incident, but I'm sure that he feels like they should not have listened to the fake news and fake emergency drills.  He still has said nothing.  Maybe they live too far away like Puerto Rico, the Virgin Island