Black Freethinkers

Dear Black Community: Slipping into darkness...



Please join us Sunday as we discuss a number of topics. Some whypipo are seriously slipping into darkness and attacking our communities. This has been a common occurrence in black communities and we weren't believed. However, it seems to be escalating and more targeted. We can no longer sit back and watch as this continues to happen. Some of you will say that we've seen times such as this before and made it through it. What about the people and families who were hurt, harmed and killed? Are you negating their experiences because it didn't happen to YOU? How have your prayers and faith stopped any of these acts of terror? Do you truly believe that your faith, resolve, prayers, positive thoughts, good vibes, etc. worked to stop people from harming and killing us? What's next? Why must we forgive those who mean us nothing but harm? What do we get from allowing people to continue to transgress against us? Why do some of us run to the first camera available to publicly forgive someone who doesn't think twice abou