Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

#PODCAST Interview w/Gospel Hip Hop #IndieArtist TJ Praise



What's Up #Diamonds, Only one more Monday left of this month before we connect live again! I hope you all are enjoying your Holiday Season, I know mine is going toooo fast. Is it just me or is time flying pass us? It seems like only yesterday I was celebrating 2015 OMG... but we will talk more about that next month. They say the second time is always a charm well if you missed this controversial interview the first time you definitely want to hear it a second time especially with religion being such an explosive conversation. Monday's guests is Gospel #IndieArtist TJ Praise who lives here in Virginia so I have had the opportunity to meet with him several times. TJ is a young man full of life and loving his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I know there's a lot of controversy surrounded around gospel hip-hop music for some reason it seems like it's an oxymoron, that gospel and hip-hop should be in the same sentence. As a Gospel Hip-Hop artists TJ definitely has something to say about that like most artists he de