Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Interview with Entrepreneur Psychotherapist Mark Azoulay MA, LPCc, LAC



What's Up #Diamonds, Thank you for stopping by and tuning into my show, I set goals within my shows to continue to bring people's talents and skills into a platform that helps them share it with the world. At times that is not an easy task but I make the most of it and try to grow with each experience, its a good thing to know I have an audience that is growing with me therefore every week want to thank you for your support. Everyone just about went into the new year with something good, bad or indifference how we choose to use what we brought with us at times can be challenging especially living in a world that can sometimes be quite volatile. No matter what type of issues we deal with there is always a type of counselor to help us guide through those times when things don't always make sense. My guest on Monday takes  tough obstacles and helps his clients break them down in a manner that helps get them to the next level, break down barriers and more. What does it take to become a psychotherapist? This sho