Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Talent In 10 Project for March 2017



What's up #Diamonds, How are you how has your March the Money month been paying off for you? You know it's almost all over and spring time is here most of us wake up at spring time along with the flowers and the allergy's. I always try to spread a little motivation in my show and in all that I do this is the last week of March and the last week of my anniversary and I want to end the month with something motivational to show my appreciation for you taking the time to listen to the show. You heard of Tony Robbins right? He is that big time motivation speaker dude  and this is my Talent In 10 Project show so I thought I'd play one of his many popular speaking sessions. the Talent In 10 Project is the show where we get those auditory senses in action (and for those that don't I provide the link to the visual). This month we talked about I've talked about money situations, ethics, all types of good stuff to have to do with money or business. I thought I top it off with a motivational audio from Tony Robbins w