Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Memory Monday July 2018 #DiamondForum



 What’s up Diamonds, Can you believe that they were five Mondays in the month of July wow! It’s been a long hot month. I have to say if we really haven’t really had a summer here in VA  the past few years we’ve made up for it this summer with all the humidity and all the heat, I'm not complaining " I'm just saying". No pun to you summer heat lovers and tanners, for those of us that can tan at a drop of sun  I can’t wait till fall I'm good on humidity, heat and I've tanned enough.  Tonight's show is called Memory Monday is the show where I do some live talking and I mix it with one of my favorite shows from my archives that was very entertaining can I play for you. This Monday's show is about my very first Diamond Forum discussion show.  The show was recorded June 23,2014 the original has been removed from my archives. My discussion panel guest for this very first discussion panel was Author Regina Puckett and Author Jacqueline Rainy both awesome authors. We discussed 3 subjects in my 2-hour show and you wil