Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

LJ Morning Sparkle The Book of Daniel Pt 1



Good Morning Diamonds , Today we start a new book The Book of Daniel, I Love the smaller books of the Bible. Some of the books in the Bible I remember but understood them vaguely, some of them I remember fully Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar is one of them I vaguely remember fully. Most of us have been to church and the preacher have preached every book in the Bible, some of it we just don't grab fully even after when reading the bible on our own a lot of it we tend to forget, at least me anyway.  The Book of Daniel is about dreams and visions,  gratitude and faith obedience. It shows how obedience and discipline can work for you and where it can get you in the Kingdom of God. The #goodbook also lets us know that there's no giant, no mountain no skyscraper or anything that is too big that God can't knock down. Well reminding us be careful with those that we decide to follow and whose believes and characteristics we choose to take on as a people. This way breaks it down for me that I'm sharing with you I hope