Karma Sense Foodcast

Episode 0035 - Sugar Substitute Rabbit Hole



Artificial Sweeteners, what a “rabbit hole!” By rabbit hole, I refer to the Wikipedia definition, “a metaphor for an entry into the unknown, the disorientating or the mentally deranging, from its use in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.”  In this metaphor, artificial sweeteners stand in for the rabbit. I’m Alice (although I look better in a navy blue dress than a sky blue one). The hole is a symbol for my attempt to make sense of this topic. In this episode of The Foodcast, we explore the usual science, history, politics and culture of sugar substitutes. Sprinkled throughout is advice on how to have healthy relationship with these substances. 00:46     Introduction 01:52     Background Info 06:17     What Do Government Experts Say? 18:55     Are All Sugar Substitutes the Same? 24:51     What Does the Research Say? 38:02     What Should I Do Next 48:31     Wrap Up For complete show notes, head on over to http://www.daveyhwellness.com/foodcast/sugar-substitute-foodcast/