Loretta Mcnary Live

Loretta McNary talks to Founder and Publisher of MovieGuide Ted Baehr



Loretta McNary Live Radio Show is a very popular online radio Talk Show that features live celebrity interveiws, with a blend of inspirational, educational and entertainment news. Plus we spotlight great music of all genres! Our guest today is Ted Baehr. Ted is the Founder and Publisher of MovieGuide, A Family Guide to Movies and Entertainment. He is Chairman of the Christian Film and Television Commission, a non-profit organization dedicated to redeeming the values of the mass media of entertainment by influencing the entertainment industry and by informing and equipping the general public of the impact that the mass media has on its audiences.  And he has produced hundreds of programs for PBS television. He has been a featured guest on Oprah, Hannity and Colmes, CNN, ABC, Fox News, MSNBC, and Entertainment Tonight. Ted is the author if numerous books.