Collections By Michelle Brown

Collections by Michelle Brown WSG Thomas "TJ" Rogers



Originally from Bufffalo New York, Thoma "TJ" Rogers now calls Mexican Town in South west Detroit home.  TJ works at Freedom House Detroit. Freedom House Detroit is a temporary home for indigent survivors of persecution from around the world who are seeking asylum in the United States and Canada. Our mission is to uphold a fundamental American principle, one inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty, providing safety for those “yearning to breathe free.”  TJ is passionate about advocacy, and with over five years of firsthand experience providing direct services to asylum seekers, Rogers works to generate awareness about the plight and courage of asylum seekers while encouraging individuals and organizations to increase their support. It was his learning of the Rwandan genocide that sparked a life-long love affair with Africa.  He came to fully appreciated the country's beautiful culture, including traditional dance, food, music, and language. He’s also particularly drawn to Uganda, a country that mos