Collections By Michelle Brown

Collections by Michelle Brown WSG Betty Couvertier



Betty Couvertier was the founder, producer and host of “Alternative Perspectives,” an LGBT radio show that continues to air on the community-owned and operated. “Alternative Perspectives” started from a notion that LGBTQ news was important news and that our voices together could get a message out to the public. Since retiring Betty keeps her eye on local and national political shenanigans, the LGBTQ community and has discovered more alternative perspectives as she travels about the country. . She is relentless, outspoken, courageous in providing an authentic voice and alternative perspective.  Join us as we talk about the consequences of the 2016 vote, the impact of the Executive Orders, presidential tweets, the current political climate and how participation in 2017 and the important 2018 elections is not optional, but crucial to change the course of our current politics at the state and federal levels. She's back to talk not only about what happened, what's happening but what needs to happen in today's un