Collections By Michelle Brown

Collections by Michelle Brown WSG Veteran Char Davenport



Individuals enlist for military service for a multitude of reasons but all in service to this country. Many, including LGBTQ service members, make the ultimate sacrifice. Each year on November 11th we celebrate Veterans Day honoring and thanking them for their service. In a series of tweets, Pres. Trump announced that transgender people would be banned from serving in the US military “in any capacity” attempting to reverse an Obama-era decision to support those who would live openly and authentically as transgender while in service of their country. A federal judge has partially blocked enforcement of key provisions of Trump's memorandum banning transgender people serving in the military while LGBTQ and human rights organizations challenge its enforcement in the courts. Char Davenport  a Navy Veteran from the Vietnam era conflict. She is alos a member of the trransgender community. She is the Michigan Field Organizer for the National LGBTQ Task Force’s Faith-based Gender Justice and Allyship Project. She ha