Collections By Michelle Brown

Collections by Michelle Brown WSG Author/Publisher Gia Cilento



After working in the newspaper and magazine industry for nearly her entire career, Gia Cilento knew that one day, she’d start a publishing house. Today, Cilento is an award-winning writer, noted publisher, life-coach, and communications expert. Her career in publishing spans nearly 30 years. She has extensive experience in print and digital media, writing, editing, coaching, as well as leading. Her book “How to Go From Frazzled to Fantastic” is a step-by-step guide to managing stress, stopping worry, and feeling fantastic every day. In 2014, after about 20 years of planning, wanting and waiting, she finally incorporated her publishing house - Mad Hatter Publishing. Mad Hatter Publishing, Inc., partnering with talented and passionate writers and. also writing her own books, she aims to help people create a fantastic life. With a passion for words and creating, she spends her spare time (when she stumbles upon it) staring at blank pages, imagining the joy of filling them up with her thoughts and imaginings.