Collections By Michelle Brown

Collections by Michelle Brown WSG Social Justice Builder Evangeline Weiss



Evangeline Weiss is an artist, poet, and mother, and to her, being her full-self means embracing those parts of her while practicing love for everyone. She turned her television off in 1984 and describes herself as a queer, white, anti-racist social change agent with a twinkle in her eye! If that doesn't get your attention, she is also the Leadership Programs Director at the National LGBTQ Task Force. She works on the Creating Change Conference helping the Task Force building relationships in the host city which will be Detroit, MI in January 2019. As part of the build-up to the conference, the Task Force will host the Queering Racial Justice in Detroit September 8th. Before working at the Task Force, Evangeline worked in HIV/AIDS advocacy projects in the 1990s in New York. She worked at the Gay Men’s Health Crisis and the local needle exchange in the East Village, and at Act Up. She has worked in human resources and spent 5 years as the Director of Diversity & Equity for Duke University’s Office for Ins