Sherri Jefferson

Bauder College Students Litigation: Graham Holding ("GHC") & Kaplan, Part 2



This episode will be part of a series that will be committed to the students, past and present, of Bauder College and Kaplan University.  This series will provide information to students about class action litigation and their legal rights.  We will also discuss information Graham Holding Company ("GHC" and Kaplan Higher Education Group and Kaplan, Inc.  The purpose of this series is to enable the students of Bauder College and Kaplan University to take action and protect their legal rights. BAUDER COLLEGE FORCED STUDENTS TO SIGN A WAIVER NOT TO SUE THE SCHOOL IF THEY WANTED TO ATTEND KAPLAN UNIVERSITY AND ATTAIN A COMPUTER FOR ONLINE COURSES OR GET THEIR TRANSCRIPTS TO ATTEND OTHER COLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES. THE STUDENTS WERE NOT ALLOWED TO CONSULT WITH AN ATTORNEY BEFORE SIGNING "Mrs. Hartsfield had us sign it in order to receive a laptop for online classes stating that we won't sue, but we had no other choice but to sign if we wanted to keep our credits and have the opportunity to graduate." THE AGREEMENTS.