Sherri Jefferson

McCurdy & Candler, Butler & Hosch and Foreclosures: Class Action and Fed Probe?



This episode will discuss whether the FBI and the United States Department of Justice should probe the law offices of McCurdy & Candler and Butler & Hosch for their role in foreclosures and the mortgage crisis.  Attorneys at McCurdy & Candler were given an opportunity to join us for this episode to discuss their default practices unit and their role in foreclosures in GA & TN. Thousands of Americans lives have been adversely affected by the mortgage crisis.  As President Obama's Adminstration nears an end, what will the United States Department of Justice do to address the foreclosure crisis and the people responsible for the crisis?  Will members of law firms, brokerage firms and Wall Street be escape any form of liability?  The next few episodes will address these issues and more.  Join us for the conversation.