Sherri Jefferson

Prostitution: Seven (7) Georgia Judges Should NOT Seek ReElection



 In honor of Women's History Month This episode will discuss whether judges involved in the solicitation or benefits of prostitution, underage drinking and/or drugs should be allowed to seek reelection. Judges should not be above the law.  The integrity of the profession and the traditions of the judiciary must be honorable, respectful and worthy of the authority it holds. There is something to be said about when judges use their "power" or "influence" to silence advocacy of people who oppose child sexual exploitation and prostitution to cover their discretions. Some of these judges have engaged in abuse of discretion and clear violations of federal law in their attempts to silence such advocates by denial of due process, etc. Federal, state and local agencies are to protect and serve the people and no judge, whether federal or state, should be authorized to serve as judge when they are knowing participants in the violation of the law of prostitution, underage drinking or drugs, especially involving anyone