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Tony Volpentest - Fastest Man in the World



To those who are lucky enough to meet him, Tony is a superhero. A man who lives in the moment and who exemplifies his message of, "If you can dream it, you can achieve it!"  Most athletes can only dream of running in the Olympics. Tony Volpentest not only achieved this dream but rose to the top of his sport. This accomplishment is all the more incredible because Tony was born without hands or feet, yet was a four-time Paralympic Gold Medalist and five-time World Champion in the sprint distances. Tony’s condition is rare—afflicting 1 in 500,000. Yet Tony never considered himself disabled. As a high-school sophomore, he decided to try out for the track team, mostly in an effort to make friends. Competing against able-bodied runners, Tony ran in “half- shoes” that fit over his limbs—which made running around the track more like balancing on stilts. Still, Tony never gave up and his desire to do better, step by step, propelled him forward...to making his dreams come true. http://www.tonyvolpentest.com/index.h