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ConNotations own PJ Hultstrand Speaks of Speculative Fiction



 Fantasty, Science Fiction, Horror all in one exciting magazine! Tonight we will take a look at Speculative Fiction, what it is, what makes it different from other genre's and how it is growing in popularity. We are so pleased to have as our guest, Ms. Patti Hultstrand, a dedicated author, reader and Managing Editor of ConNotations NewsZine. Patti has been writing since the 7th grade when her English teacher took an active interest in her poetry and short story writing. Her first love became science-fiction when she was introduced to the works of Ray Bradbury. Fandom bit her when she actually met the man behind the works in 1987 at a special engagement speech in Phoenix, Arizona. Patti has been involved in the printing/publishing industry for nearly 18 years, including having published her own magazine on Arizona Graphics & Marketing. In 2008 she launched Az Publishing Services and has since published over 50 books. Her own writing has not languished, and her third book in the Chasing Time series was lau