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Homesteading Space - Tech dreams vs Reality Check



Recently news outlets trumpeted Elon Musk's goal to put 80,000 people on Mars - each year! While an admirable goal, orbital dynamics, and business realities offer insights into how we might NOT get 80 k people -- but we could get 28 the first year, 56 the second year ... you get the idea. Join us to find out how we - as homesteaders - can make it happen. Will be talking to Donald Jacques, author of "The Homestead Project, 12 Steps to a Permanent Lunar Settlement". Synopsis: Whether looking at earth orbit, the moon, or mars, humanity will someday settle space.  In this volume, I take a minimalist approach, much like those of the early colonists to america; and the intrepid travelers who undertook the westward migration of the United States in the 1860's.  Asserting that colonists to space will face many of the same constrictions in weight, and technology, this handbook builds a foundation for survival in almost any hostile, planetary environment.