Wod Media

CopperCon Revolution with Mike Fett



We will be talking to Chairman of CopperCon Revolution about this new spin on a  Science-Fiction/Fantasy Convention hosted by the Central Arizona Speculative Fiction Society (CASFS). Why he considers this convention to be a revolution and what we can expect as fans to see and experience over the course of the convention weekend, which starts August 8th through Sunday, the 11th. Will also be talking about the fund raising efforts he has made over this year and the movie event for this Thursday, August 1st. Besides all this, Mike Fett is a participant of many fan groups in Arizona and can talk about how fan events and groups are reaching out to the younger generations to build up the Phoenix fan base. Mike is also a con Want more information about the movie fund raiser for this Thursday or the convention for next week, please find at: http://www.coppercon.org