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Vampires in Space with author, Ronald Tobin



Ronald C.Tobin Author of A Ruby for Victor Website: www.ronaldctobin.com We will be talking to Ronald C. Tobin about his book, A Ruby for Victor, an unsual vampire story. Ronald is a member of the Arizona Authors Association and the Phoenix Writers Club and a professional member of the Society of Southwestern Authors. He recently completed my first round of courses at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts and is now a certified hypnotherapist. Ronald stated, "The Plaz Seschni series is overall Science Fiction, maybe some Urban Fantasy, with a few Horror elements. When it comes to fiction, my primary genres are Science Fiction and Fantasy. I have nothing against the Horror genre, but I don’t think having vampires in a book makes it horror." From the Historical Information: After nearly twenty five standard years of research there was a breakthrough, the one that led to the establishment of Plaz Seschni. Dr. Nestri Vas Juliuan developed what had been called Serum XVF-1065-VB-9099. After a series of near suc