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Steampunk Convention with David Lee Summers



THIS SHOW IS NOT LIVE - IT HAS BEEN PRE-RECODED David Lee Summers is an author, editor and astronomer living somewhere between the western and final frontiers in Southern New Mexico. He is the author of eight novels including Owl Dance, Vampires of the Scarlet Order, and The Solar Sea. His short fiction has appeared in such magazines as Realms of Fantasy, Cemetery Dance, The Vampire's Crypt, Aoife's Kiss and Science Fiction Trails. He edits the science fiction and fantasy magazine, Tales of the Talisman and has edited the Full-Throttle Space Tales Anthologies Space Pirates and Space Horrors. In addition to his work in the written word, David has also worked at numerous observatories around the southwestern United States. Currently he works for Kitt Peak National Observatory, outside of Tucson, Arizona. He lives in Southern New Mexico with his wife Kumie and his daughters Myranda and Verity. We sat down with David Lee Summers in the late afternoon on the Saturday of the convention. We talked books, fantasy,