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A Star in My Hand-Transformation with Diana Elarde



What does life look like once the children move on? How do I celebrate my first Father’s Day without my father? The ways in which love is remembered How can the garden hose make someone cry? It is filled with humor, with raw emotions, and with beautiful expression that touches deep in our souls. The reader begins to understand – in my story, there is yours. A Star in My Hand is collection of short stories that are close to the heart, touching the emotions and engaging the mind of the reader. The book focuses on transitions - those moments when life changes - pivotal times when fate and feelings blend to transform ordinary events into life-changing transitions. The preface to A Star in My Hand:            When laughter strikes a heart, a beautiful tone sings to another’s soul. When tears fall, the pain, the grief, travels its journey, bowing the heads of all it encounters. Our words, our worlds connect. And for a brief time, my story becomes yours and yours mine. The words transport the reader perhaps t