Revealing Conversations With Petra

Opportunities Are Disguised As Problems with Colette Marie Stefan



Colette Marie Stefan and host Petra Nicoll discuss how opportunities are often disguised as problems and Colette's contribution on this topic in Life SPARKS, a compilation of life stories. Colette Marie Stefan is a magical speaker, author and artist, with a great sense of humor, who shares universal, life-transforming information to provide results that will inspire you to soar with her to new heights (in the way of the dragons) at seminars around the globe. She has been the featured guest of many radio shows and tele-summits as well as captivating the air-waves with her hit radio show “The Truth Is Funny… shift happens, as an open invitation for you to call in and experience the joy of shift. Colette is the author of her long awaited book, The Truth Is Funny… shift happens… (stuff you wish your mom had known to tell you). Warning! If you prefer the status quo and you are not interested in improving every aspect of your life… this book may trigger the shift out of you! SIgn up for Colette's newsletter and