Pastor Martin Richling

HERETICK Chuck Missler of the Koinonia House



Pastor Martin Richling will be renouncing Chuck Missler in this LIVE Radio Broadcast.  Before the Broadcast airs, do check out the website of Mr. Missler so that you will understand more of this broadcast.  Here is his website:  AND.....!!! I will play here a very recent, LEGALLY RECORDED PHONE CALL between myself and Ron Matsen, who answered our letter to Chuck Missler.  He is just under Mr. Missler at their ministry.  And this is so you can hear for your own self, the WORDS of this man who answers the THREE CORE BELIEFS and what they teach regarding SALVATION, ALL AUTHORITY, AND GOD'S ESTABLISHMENT COMMANDMENT.  This phone call will SAY IT ALL ! Truth is the only thing that matters to Pastor Richling because that is all that matters to God his Father and the Lord Jesus Christ his SAVIOUR.  And it should be the only thing that matters to YOU TOO!  For your soul will be SOMEWHERE forever and ever!  And that "somewhere" is either Heaven or The Lake of Fire! Also, check out the website