The Tazz And Paula Show

Roberta Goodman - Dolphin Lady Adventures



Is it possible to take dolphins from captivity and train them how to survive out in the wild? Our guest, Roberta Goodman thinks it is possible; Roberta's goal is to create a protocol for handlers to accomplish this. After reading Dr. John Lilly’s book, “Communication Between Man and Dolphin,” in 1978, Roberta took on the challenge of communicating with dolphins wholeheartedly. Roberta knew Dr. Lilly from 1980 until his death in September 2001. At his Human Dolphin Foundation lab at Marine World/Africa USA in Redwood City, California, Roberta designed and performed communication experiments with the dolphins, Joe and Rosie. Her ultimate goal was to reunite the dolphins with their natural environment. As project director, Roberta moved Joe and Rosie to the Florida Keys and prepared them for their release back to the ocean. Roberta currently lives on the Big Island of Hawaii, taking people on wild dolphin swim adventures. .