Soulvox L*i*v*e!

The Amethyst Oracle : Divination with a Queer Twist



L*I*V*E Readings during the show. Call or skype in. Join HiC and Charlie as they welcome to The Amethyst Oracle this month's guest, Witch, teacher, author and healing practitioner CHRISTOPHER PENCZAK. Christopher Penczak's practice draws upon the foundation of both modern and traditional Witchcraft blended with the wisdom of mystical traditions from across the globe as a practitioner and teacher of shamanism, tarot, Reiki healing, herbalism, astrology and Qabalah in the creation of new techniques and traditions. Founder of the Temple of Witchcraft tradition and system of magickal training based upon his 6 volume Temple of Witchcraft book series and classes, Christopher is the author of over 20 books, including Three Rays of Witchcraft • Witch’s Shield • Gay Witchcraft • The Plant Spirit Familiar • The Gates of Witchcraft • Buddha, Christ, Merlin • Feast of the Morrighan • The Mighty Dead. Christopher is a co-founder of the Temple of Witchcraft not-for-profit religious organization, and teaches and travels e