Soulvox L*i*v*e!

SPECIAL: Discovering Taoist Wicca - Imbolc and Committment



Welcome to Discovering Taoist Wicca.  Our bodies and our psyches are profoundly influenced by the seasons. Find out how the wisdom of the seasons can help you unlock your potential and use this powerful energy to balance your life. Join host, Suzy Peltier (Lady Red Hawk) for more on Taoist Wicca, and she’ll show you how you can use the Wheel of the Year as a ritual calendar system for personal growth and social change. This shows’ conversation will focus on the second sabbat of the waxing year – Imbolc, which is dedicated to Brigid, the Celtic Fire Goddess of the Sun, Hearth and Forge. Join Suzy with John Carosella to discuss word magick and the power of commitment.   Suzy Peltier has served the Goddess and the principle of holism (wholism) for nearly thirty years as a Third Degree Wiccan Priestess, Reiki Master Teacher, Massage Therapist, and Hypnotherapist. With a Degree in Holistic Health and a background in Medical Anthropology, she has pursued a burning question: “How is ritual used for healing?” Twent