Soulvox L*i*v*e!

What's Your Rx for Balance : Trusting Your Body During Pregnancy



How much do you trust your body? How well do you know your body? When trying to conceive or when you are pregnant we have a choice. We can hand over all the care and decisions to the medical system and your healthcare practitioner Or you can be involved in each decision. This is practice for the rest of the Journey of Motherhood to use your intuition and wisdom. In this episode Dr. Glenna interviews Coralie Murphy, RMT, from Sydney, Nova Scotia, founder of Journey Alive a program that has changed the health and perception of health of thousands. She has researched extensively on health and shares her knowledge generously with others. Dr. Glenna and Coralie will be sharing ways to trust your body during this time of change.  This dynamic duo you can attain the support that will guide you through a healthy pregnancy and labour right through to the precious months after the birth.