Soulvox L*i*v*e!

(r)Evolution with HiC



L*I*V*E READINGS ... Skype or Call 646.716.5510 during the show to get into the queue to receive your reading L*I*V*E on the air with HiC ! What better new year's resolution than to start, restart, or enhance a Daily Practice ? Have you heard about the benefits of a daily practice but didn't know how to start one ? Have you tried to stick with a daily practice but found yourself letting it lapse ? Curious about what is a daily practice and why it is something to start and maintain ? Join me for a discussion on Daily Practice (it's not just meditation) with this month's (r)Evolutionary guest is ERICK DUPREE, writer, teacher, and wisdom seeker. Erick Dupree is a Zen Buddhist in the Soto lineage, he weaves traditional Buddhist precepts with rich Goddess based practices, that are decidedly Pagan. Co-Founder of the Dharma Pagan movement with Yeshe Rabbit Matthews, he teaches meditation and mantra nationally, studies tantra with Dr. Douglas Brooks and maintains a rigorous sitting practice with his sangha. Erick w