Soulvox L*i*v*e!

The Amethyst Oracle : Divination with a Queer Twist



Did you ever consider going pro with a hobby, side business or passion ? Join HiC & Charlie for this month's Amethyst Oracle as they welcome special guest, SARI MELINE, who offers powerful, sexy, committed coaching that will steer you towards the achievement of your biggest dreams and goals. Whether starting your own business, taking your career to the next level, or living the dream on a tropical island, tune in to to take the next step(s) towards your life's ambitions and hear tips and strategies for going from intention to completion of your goals and desires in life. This is the show for you if you know there's something MORE to do; if you feel a transition coming (or one has already happened) and you're not sure how to proceed; if you know your purpose but can't seem to shake the inner-critics; if you have come to the bridge you kept saying you'd cross when you got to it; if you know there's something keeping you from powerful forward movement. Skype in or call 646.716.5510 to receive a reading L*