Soulvox L*i*v*e!

Evolve with Robin White Turtle Lysne Guest Christine DeCamp



Evolve! Nurturing the New in Consciousness, the Arts, and Culture hosted by : Robin White Turtle Lysne, M.A., M.F.A., Ph.D. Evolve! brings you people and ideas on the cutting edge of change opening the shells of the past to move our culture into the now. We are all in great need of sustainable ideas for change. The arts and evolving consciousness are how we are bringing that change to the culture at large. This show will bring you the wise, the foolish and the heart-based to help us meet the challenges of the times we are in. This month’s show features artist Christine DeCamp. A resident of Tomales Bay for 25 years, Christine DeCamp has always been near the wild. She grew up in Allegheny National Forest in NW Pennsylvania. Since she was a child she has painted and worked in other mediums as well. She attended school in the east and moved to San Francisco in the 1980’s and then to Pt. Reyes and Inverness in the Tomales Bay region near the Pt. Reyes National Seashore. Her paintings are usually acrylic o